Our approach
Individuals contribute more to their communities when they live balanced and healthy lives. The Africell Impact Foundation promotes active lifestyles, gives people access to better health-related information, and backs talented athletes with to-class facilities and equipment. We make sports participation easier and safer for more segments of the community, and we use our platform and network to promote a wide range of health awareness campaigns and initiatives.

Partnership with NBA Africa
Africell and NBA Africa have a long-term partnership in Angola aimed at giving more Angolans the facilities, freedom and encouragement to play basketball. Initiatives include clinics, tournaments, training, and the opening of a state-of-the-art indoor basketball court in Luanda.

Africell Marathons
We host fun and inclusive marathon competitions in Sierra Leone, DRC and The Gambia, aimed at both serious athletes and amateur participants.

Public sports facilities
Africell regularly opens and maintains new public sports facilities (such as beach gyms and sports courts) designed to provide safe and inclusive spaces for community engagement and to promote fitness and wellbeing.

InnovarX collaboration
Africell and Innovarx Global Health are trialling solution to the problem of Gambia’s “physical activity transition” by offering free, easy-to-access preventative health screening for conditions including high blood pressure, diabetes, anaemia, obesity and malnutrition, as well as interactive public health and exercise workshops.

Cyclisme de Kin
Africell hosts and sponsors Cyclisme de Kin, the first competitive road cycle race in DRC, involving hundreds of competitors from DRC and neighbouring countries.

Freetown beach gym
In partnership with the Sierra Leone National Volleyball Association, Africell opened a state-of-the-art beach gym and volleyball court in Freetown, offering public exercise and workout facilities.

Africell Marathons
Africell hosts a series of annual marathons in cities in including Banjul, Freetown and Kinshasa, which are open to locals and visitors, as well as serious athletes and first-time runners.
Click the link below to learn more and sign up.
Marathon website